Popular 2 word phrases
Popular 2 word phrases

popular 2 word phrases

They appeal because they are easy to remember, stimulating, and on point. They are striking because they are of few words that resonate with many of us.

popular 2 word phrases popular 2 word phrases

Our needs taper like a pyramid where the basic needs (like food and safety) are at the base, psychological needs (like belongingness and esteem) at the middle, and self-fulfillment needs (self-actualization and creativity) at the peak according to Abraham Maslow in his Theory of Human Motivation. The 'mnemonics' are taken from the Mnemonic Encoding Word List. The second batch of phrases use alliteration (sort of).

Use them for creative thinking, code names, password phrases, band names, etc. Why are they relatable? Many of the famous short quotes tend to reflect our deepest needs. The phrases below were generated randomly. “It’s about making every word matter.” (1) Melody and rhythm are time-tested elements.

popular 2 word phrases

They convey a message with minimum words and syllables that, when spoken, are melodic and rhythmic. These taglines are extraordinarily powerful. Nike’s “Just Do It”, KFC’s “Finger Lickin’ Good”, Apple’s “Think Different” to name a few. Take a moment and think of the catchy lines you see every day that make memorable advertising slogans. Study the following proverbs, a) Translate them into Russian or supply their Russian equivalents, b) Practise their reading paying attention to the sound. Beat the time and observe all phonetic phenomena of connected speech. Read the following sentences out loud beginning with "Back in this dim re­gion of luxury.", "Out of a door marked "Circle"." and "Down swung a looped curtain.". Read the following word combinations paying attention to the phonetic phe­nomena of connected speech (assimilation, linking "r", lateral and nasal plosions, loss of plosion):Ī short marble мраморная staircase лестница in the dim region в тусклом царстве here and there you're a swell отличный kid a murmur приглушённый шум голосов in the audience stood back to let them squeeze протиснуться surveyed осмотрела the dim amphitheater in the hope of some of their acquain­tances знакомых in the dress circle бельэтаж she noted that the cinema on the white background it isn't the big picture no further inquiries a shower of small stars filled the whole screen sent thrills down the spine packed with heart-throbs in this tale of thrill-thirsty young bloods in the mightiest drama then the eggs tumbled he squeezed протиснулся that yolk желток and then the lean chapĥ. circle, 'background, 'pot-plants, 'stage ,apron авансцена, 'rapid-'fire, 'aring, 'heart-throbs, 'thrill-'thirsty, 'heart-string(s), 'water-butt, 'mix-'up, 'hard-'worked, a 'hard-worked 'dog, 'black 'eyeĤ. Practise the pronunciation of the following compound words paying atten­ tion to stresses: Consult a dictionary, transcribe the following words and practise their pro­nunciation: a) Listen to the recording of Text Three and mark the stresses and tunes.ī| Repeat the text in the intervals after the model.Ģ. (to doing smth., to do smth.) to put up with smth примиряться с…

Popular 2 word phrases